Virtually, all estate planners are aware that the current “conditions” in the United States are quite different than they have been for several years. One critical condition is that the wealth that was eroded in 2009 and 2010 by the Great Recession has largely been restored while interest rates have remained low and that likely is reflected in part by the stock market reaching historic highs and very high price earnings ratiosfor publicly traded securities.
- Who We Serve
- Trust Services
- Alaska Community Property Trusts
- Incomplete Gift Non-Grantor Trusts
- Asset Protection Trusts
- Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts
- Custodial Services for Individual Trustees
- Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts
- Charitable Trusts
- LLC Administration for Private Placement Life Insurance
- Delegated Trusts
- Qualified Personal Residence Trusts
- Directed Trusts
- Self-Directed IRA & IRA Services
- Dynasty Trusts
- Self-Settled Trusts (a.k.a. Spendthrift Trusts)
- Generation-Skipping Trusts
- Special Needs Trusts
- Grantor-Retained Annuity Trusts
- Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts
- High-Balance Insured Cash Deposit Solutions
- Process
- Careers