Knowledge Base : Articles

Peak Trust

Articles - 15 min

Supercharged Credit Shelter Trust

Many married individuals adopt an estate plan designed to avoid estate tax on the death of the first spouse to die while taking maximum advantage of the so-called unified credit (also known as the applicable ex...

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alaska trust law

Articles - 15 min

Alaska Adopts a New Trust Law

Alaska has corrected a major defect common in self-settled laws. It now provides a definition for a “pre-existing creditor”. Now, one can name a non-resident beneficiary as a co-trustee without compromising...

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Peak Trust

Articles - 15 min

Avoiding the Adverse Effects of Huber

A recent U.S. Bankruptcy Court decision, 111 re Huber,' held that an Alaska self-settled trust essentially was invalid with respect to claims of the settlor's creditors in bankruptcy. The case doesn't appear to...

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